Security Information

You may have received a spam mail asking you to confirm details such as customer id and password pertaining to your Internet banking account. This is called, in technical terms, Phishing. Please beware of such fraudulent mails, asking you to provide or update such information on a website or by clicking on a link within the email . We take your personal information seriously and will never ask for details about your Account/PINs or Passwords over the email. The Bank is not responsible for any fraudulent transactions due to compromise or inadvertent disclosure of account related information.
1. Register your Mobile number with us and get SMS Alerts to keep track of high value card & net banking transactions in your account .
2. Avoid doing net banking transactions from Cyber Cafes.

If case of compromise of your login/password details (due to phishing) and to prevent loss or theft in your account, immediately contact our helpline on 9604224621 to disable unauthorised Net Banking access

A/c statement : (1) Statement prior to April 1, 2015 is not available online. (2) Date range for Account Statement cannot exceed 6 months. (3) Please do not share your Password and OTP with anyone over mail, SMS, phone call or any other media. Bank never asks for such information.